Virtual MSK Radiology Fellowship

I help radiologists to increase their confidence and speed in MSK

New Fellowship Homepage

Go to to learn more about the virtual MSK fellowship!

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New Godlike Testimonials!

Check out the feedback from former Fellows of the virtual MSK fellowship program. Watch now by clicking the image above.

New Book Homepage

Get the Best-selling MSK Radiology Book at a discount for $19 on this page here, instead of $29 on Amazon, your choice :)

PD Dr Christoph Agten

Expert MSK Radiologist with a YouTube Channel

This is my personal homepage, where you can find all my MSK teaching channels in one place! My material might not be a high-end glossy professional production, but since you are already here, I guess you (and I) do not care. I care about content and how I can help you to become a better MSK radiologist - by free content on YouTube to a virtual MSK fellowship program -  it is your choice!


Virtual MSK Fellowship now CME accredited

When I launched my Virtual MSK Fellowship Program in August 2021, I was not expecting this incredible journey and success. In just 5 months from launch, 37 radiologists from all over the world joined the program and are having a great learning experience. The map above shows where my fellows are coming from. 

Virtual MSK Fellowship Testimonials and Reviews

Virtual MSK Fellowship

A lack of confidence in MSK radiology is a very common feeling among radiologists from all over the world. It is not really about knowledge but about how to apply knowledge and this is where most radiologists struggle.

I created a virtual MSK  radiology fellowship program that helps radiologists specifically with confidence and speed in MSK radiology. The program is designed to be fully flexible, fully on-demand (apart from the live sessions) and with the chance to discuss your very own cases in the Q&A sessions or in the community platform.

If you are struggling with daily MSK reports or feel you are slower or maybe not as good as your peers, just schedule a free strategy call with me at After watching the free case-study video, you can schedule a free phone or video call with me, in which we analyze your situation and see wether the program might be good for you. If not, I will tell you so.

I want my fellows to succeed and become great MSK radiologists, that tackle the MSK reporting list without fear, come what may.

Learn MSK on YouTube 

I have about 100 YouTube Videos in which I teach you MSK radiology. Each video focuses on one particular teaching point.  I publish a new YouTube video every 1 or 2 weeks, depending on my schedule. 

Get exclusive MSK videos 

Become a supporter of my youtube channel and get exclusive videos. You can become a patreon for as little as  $2 per month, but there are also higher packages with more exclusive perks. 

Become a faster Radiologist

In my best-selling book "SPEED - MSK RADIOLOGY" you learn tips and tricks to improve your reporting speed in MSK radiology. Paper version available only on Amazon for just $19. 

Wrist MRI Masterclass

What is it?

In this online video course, I teach you the relevant stuff you need for wrist MRI reporting. The course comprises 2 hours of theory and over 2 hours of case discussions.  In contrast to normal courses, I discuss random cases with you, not the typical findings, not the nice cases but just a collection of everyday stuff, sometimes ugly, sometimes nothing special. I am convinced that this helps you more than a collection of beautiful teaching cases because let's face it, your next wrist MRI will be some non-fancy stuff, where you struggle with equivocal findings. Therefore in this course, I try to give you guidance on how to deal with the everyday stuff!

The Masterclass Offers 4 Credits/CPD by the Swiss Society of Radiology and Royal College of Radiologists (UK)